Founded in 1999, La Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan is a community of Italian Americans who share a common heritage from the region of Abruzzo, in eastern Italy. We are based in southeastern Michigan and are composed of hundreds of members of all ages. First and foremost, our goal is to cultivate Abruzzese culture. We do this by hosting events where we celebrate common traditions. An extension of this goal is to pass on our culture to fellow generation of Abruzzese Italian Americans. We also believe in sharing a common identity as not just members of the Abruzzese community but also as Italian Americans, participating in events and representing Abruzzo at local gatherings of Italian Americans.
One of Abruzzo’s main exports has not been material goods but people, immigrants. Many Italian Americans in the United States are proud to call Abruzzo their home. Because of this, there are many organizations dedicated to Abruzzese culture and many resources that contain information on the the culture of Abruzzo. In the page below is a list of some of these organizations and resources. FADM is proud to be part of this vast network of resources, organizations, and ultimately people sharing in a common heritage and history.
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